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Pip Calculator

Simplify trading strategy, calculate pip value effortlessly, and make informed decisions.

Pip Value Calculator: Your Risk Management Ally

Calculate Your Pip Value with Ease

Astra Market's Pip Value Calculator, your trusted companion in the world of trading. Check the value per pip in your trading account's currency effortlessly, helping you to manage risk and make informed trading decisions.

Curious about the worth of each pip in your trades? Our Pip Value Calculator is here to simplify the process. With just a few inputs – your account currency, currency pair, position size, and exchange rate – you can swiftly determine the pip value, enhancing your risk management strategy.

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All you need to know about Pip Calculators

Ever wondered what exactly a pip is and how to find it? Let's dig into the mystery together:

What is a Pip?

A 'pip,' short for 'point in percentage,' signifies the movement in exchange rates between currency pairs.

Finding a Pip:

  • In most forex currency pairs, one pip is represented by the 4th decimal place (0.0001), equivalent to 1/100 of 1%. However, for JPY pairs, one pip resides on the 2nd decimal place.
  • Get deeper into the world of trading with fractional pips or 'pipettes,' which are 1/10th of the value of a standard pip. They offer tighter spreads and a deeper understanding of currency price movements.
  • For pairs without JPY, one pipette is found on the 5th decimal place, while for JPY pairs, it's on the 3rd decimal place.

Quick setup, seamless pip trading! Calculate Your Pip Value Now!

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